Home Suite Hope


Home Suite Hope (HSH) is a not-for-profit that wraps services around single parent-led families to move them from homelessness to self-sufficiency. 

There are a number of programs offered at Home Suite Hope, which are all aimed at ensuring that single parent-led families gain the skills necessary to maintain housing. HSH currently has 34 families under their care across four programs. Their main program, Homeward Bound Halton, is an up to four year program that offers a housing subsidy, access to subsidized childcare, Life Skills and Professional Development Workshops, Intensive Case Management, a two year college education in partnership with Sheridan College, books and transportation, employment supports and mentorship. This evidence-based program has been carefully crafted to address all barriers single mothers face simultaneously.  


Research continues to show that the biggest predictor of long-term reliance on social assistance and housing security is a parent’s relationship to both.  Homeward Bound Halton disrupts generational patterns of poverty and homelessness in their tracks, changing the immediate lives of the parents but also the trajectories of their children, and their children’s children. The parents in Home Suite Hope’s programs become educated, employed and self-sufficient, role modeling the behaviour for their children.  Several of their participants, past and present, now have children obtaining their post secondary education. 100% of Home Suite Hope graduates are no longer receiving social assistance, 100% are maintaining market rent, 86% are employed fulltime, and of those, the average income is $48,000.

Your impact

Your support will provide much needed funding to expand HSH’s Jill of All Trades education program and funding for HSH’s main subsidized housing programs.  


Jill of All Trades Education Program

Jill of All Trades was developed three years ago as a response to the traditionally low paid female dominated employment sectors. There was a recognition that there is a high need for Trades in Canada and that the remuneration from this type of employment could substantially change the lives of HSH participants. HSH currently has a partnership with Sheridan College where 65% of tuition is covered through bursaries. 


HSH is responsible for the remainder of the tuition, all books, safety equipment and licensing/testing for each participant. HSH would also like to expand this program to allow participants to take Trades outside those offered at Sheridan however currently lack funding to do so.

HSH Housing Program Supports 

Provide programming support for HSH’s Stabilizing First Halton and Homeward Bound Halton programs. 

Stabilizing First Hamilton is a one year program aimed at moving families from homelessness and connecting them to all the resources their family may need. Many of the graduates from this program move into Homeward Bound Halton, however those that do not have the academic aptitude to continue on in education are supported into employment. 

Homeward Bound Halton is an up to four year program that offers a housing subsidy, access to subsidized childcare, Life Skills and Professional Development Workshops, Intensive Case Management, a two year college education, books and transportation, employment supports and mentorship. This evidence-based program has been carefully crafted to address all barriers single mothers face simultaneously. 

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